Feature Story



By Sam Turner - 

Former race rider Megan Nicholls is now cutting out a successful career as an analyst for both ITV and Racing TV as well as combining her television career with her role as a jockey’s agent. Renowned for her classic elegance, Nicholls has taken time out of her busy schedule to pass on style hints for Adiyat Racing Plus readers ahead of Meydan’s fabulous Fashion Friday fixture this week.

How do you go about choosing your outfits?

I usually put together all my outfits myself and I tend to go through phases of colours I’m enjoying, perhaps depending on the weather, or what is really ‘in’ at the time. I usually do a good bit of internet research and some internet shopping, but I do quite like going to some of the designer outlet villages and trying loads of outfits on until I really love something. I also quite often find outfits a lot earlier than I would wear them so I could have items for a second or third season before I wear them which is quite good because no one else tends to be wearing that item!

Which do you prioritise; style or comfort?

I prioritise style which is probably silly sometimes. I think I’ve got a pretty good balance as there is nothing worse than being uncomfortable, but if an outfit looks good with a pair of Louboutin heels, then I would go for the Louboutin heels just because it looks cool. I do try and consider the comfort side of things as well, but style always ends up winning!

Do you have a favourite designer?

I don’t necessarily have a favourite designer as it’s one of those things that can depend on the time of the year or what is in fashion. I actually use a wide range of high street shops and online shopping along with some designer outfits as that provides a nice mix. Individually, I really love Karen Millen and shoes wise I love Fairfax & Favour and Christian Louboutin. Dresses could vary from Reiss all the way up to a Gucci suit, so I like to mix and match with high street and designer items as it’s a good way to vary your look and it helps price wise as well.

Do you have a particular style or colour you feel suits you best?

I do have a style which I think suits me better and I have got a little braver since I’ve undertaken more television work. I’ve perhaps started to develop more of an individualistic look as my confidence has grown. For my coats I like a long one that is well fitted, while with my dresses I prefer to wear those with a puff of colour. I go through a large range as I really like my pastel colours, but then I go through a stage when I really like the vibrant yellows and reds so I like being quite bold with my colours when there is chance.

Do you tailor your outfits for specific race meetings?

I definitely wear and tailor an outfit for a specific meeting depending on what it is, where it is staged and what time of year it is. For example, Royal Ascot is more extravagant so that would require a different approach to some of the other summer festivals. I would also have to take into account what level of racing is being staged at a particular meeting as that sometimes gives me license to try or experiment with a range of outfit ideas which can be quite fun and allows me to mix things up a bit. Royal Ascot and the Dante meeting at York for instance would need two very contrasting approaches with the British weather a major factor!

Do you ever build an outfit around a choice of shoes?

I am a shoe-aholic – I absolutely love my shoes! However, I always choose my outfit first as I have so many shoes in so many different colours that I can that I can actually match any outfit with shoes – so I will always go outfit first, shoes second.

You are pictured wearing some amazing hats, where do you source them?

I have been very fortunate to have lots of lovely ladies help me with my hats. The three main go to places for my hats would be The Cotswold Hat Club run by Rachel Hawkins – she has a huge range of designer hats which is always extremely useful. I also use Alice Brooke, who designs and makes a lot of her own hats as well as buying some in as well. Last, but by no means least, I use George Durdy who is fabulous. She makes every single hat from scratch herself and colour matches everything for me. We come up with loads of funky ideas, so they are three gorgeous ladies who help me a lot. I should actually include Miss B’s Millenary as well as she made me the most incredible hats for Ascot and Goodwood so it would be remiss not to include her as she is super talented. 0I like to try and split it between that quartet as they all have an amazing eye for what works and, if I’m ever struggling for a new or different design, they always come up with something amazing.

Are there any high street brands that you would recommend to our readers?

There are a few high street brands are my goto places, with Karen Millen towards the top of the list as I seem to have a lot of successes with that brand. I am a big fan of Reiss too as they are very classy and always seem a really lovely fit. The likes of Zara are always worth checking out too as you can often find some options there. We can probably call Holland Cooper and Fairfax & Favour high street shops too as they have shops all over the place now and are getting huge.

You obviously need to have an extensive wardrobe given your commitments on British TV, what do you do with your outfits when you have worn them?

So, after I’ve worn an outfit, I always keep them, albeit there might be the odd one that I would put on Vinted that I may have worn a couple of times, and I may not have loved it as much as I originally thought. I am quite into my sustainable fashion and reusing looks in a different way, so I maybe give them a year or two since I last wore them and return to the outfit but perhaps change the hat or the accessories. I have a dress which I wore in the past at Royal Ascot which I will wear again this year, but I will just change the colour of the accessories to go with it. I think it’s very important to keep fashion sustainable as the same outfit can look so different with different accessories.

Finally, perhaps most importantly, do you have a Flat horse to follow for us at the Dubai Racing Carnival?

I am so looking forward to seeing Lord North return to action as he simply loves Dubai, nearly as much as me! He’s super talented and reports about his return have been positive so I can’t wait to see him back in action.